Utilize AI Web Optimization for Better UX & Higher Google Search Results

Jean Ginzburg
3 min readJun 6, 2024

If you have a website generating revenue, you need to ensure it is as user-friendly as possible. Otherwise, you’d be losing potential leads in a hurry. Google’s Core Web Vitals are essential metrics that measure how well a web page performs for users. These metrics include Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These metrics assess key aspects of website usability, such as loading speed, responsiveness, and visual stability, which all greatly affect user satisfaction and engagement. Optimizing these metrics might seem challenging. But with the help of AI web optimization tools, you can enhance your website performance with ease.

Why Is Website Performance Critical

Website owners want their website to rank first on Google Search Results. If websites are slow, not optimized or not performing well, Google dings any website and moves the ranking down in overall search results. So in order to stay in Google’s good graces, it’s crucial to keep your website updated, ensure all your code and plugins are up to date and improve the speed of your website. AI can also support your website with such tasks.

AI Tools for a Speedy Website



Jean Ginzburg
Jean Ginzburg

Written by Jean Ginzburg

#1 best-selling author, serial entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, founder of Alpenglo.Digital

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