AI Meets Social Big Data: Strategies for Next-Level Business Intelligence

Jean Ginzburg
3 min readMay 23, 2024

As a brand, you rely on data to make sound decisions. Social media platforms are a constant source of valuable data about customer preferences, trends, and brand perception. However, the sheer volume of this data, often referred to as “social big data,” can be difficult and time-consuming to analyze effectively. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in. AI tools can process social big data quickly and efficiently, helping you extract actionable insights from it. By analyzing these insights, you can make sound decisions to improve marketing strategies, customer engagement, and overall brand performance.

Understanding the Scale of Social Big Data

The large amount of data generated by social media platforms is hard to comprehend. Currently, billions of social media users contribute to the data pool daily, creating a diverse and complex array of information.

For example, every minute, users watch 4.1 million YouTube videos, send 41.6 million WhatsApp messages, make 1.4 million voice calls on Facebook, and swipe Tinder 1.4 million times. This constant data stream offers valuable information for marketers. By extracting powerful insights from social big data, you can optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.



Jean Ginzburg

#1 best-selling author, serial entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, founder of Alpenglo.Digital