6 Ways to Fail to Success

Jean Ginzburg
4 min readFeb 17, 2022


I’m a fan of taking massive action. Execute fast. Make improvements. Keep going. Done is better than perfect. Aim high, and if it can’t be done, fail fast, and move on to the next strategy or the next project.

When you plan, aim to multiply your expected metrics by ten times. And then execute that plan. If it works, chances are you’d hit more than the average results. If it doesn’t work, you’ll know it doesn’t work and will be able to move on.

This applies both to launching your business and implementing services and solutions for your clients.

Aim high and expect the worst

When you aim high, you are more likely to get close to your goals. And you get insight into the ways to achieve your goals.

Achieving your goal won’t happen overnight. Take little and then big steps from time to time. You can set target tasks for each week until you reach your goal. Execute. Take action. When you go into it with the mindset that you might fail, you’re braver and smarter because you also end up taking steps to ensure you won’t fail.

Don’t get analysis paralysis

Many entrepreneurs get stuck in the analysis stage. Doing your own market and product research is great. But there’s already plenty of data around that can give you…



Jean Ginzburg

#1 best-selling author, serial entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, founder of Alpenglo.Digital