3 Tips to Rev Up Your LinkedIn Posting Strategy

Jean Ginzburg
3 min readApr 28, 2022


LinkedIn was made for networking. It’s in the name itself. Linking in! Are you making connections on LinkedIn? Here is how you can reach more people and establish real connections on LinkedIn.

Have you posted multiple times on LinkedIn, hoping to get some interaction from your thousands of followers, only to end up with crickets?

Random marketing doesn’t work. Like many entrepreneurs, users post and post on LinkedIn without generating any interactions. The missing key? Building relationships.

As I’ve always said, targeting everyone is targeting no one. It’s all about personalization and sincerity.

For every client onboarding, I prepare a worksheet with specific points: setting goals, knowing the target audience, and offering the value proposition. I call these the three pillars in marketing — as well as in just about any business area.

Here is how to apply the same three-point strategy to enhancing your LinkedIn posts.

Align LinkedIn with your goals

Surely, you have short-term and long-term goals. Where do you see yourself in five months? Five years? Ten years? Apply these goals to each of your platforms, LinkedIn included.



Jean Ginzburg

#1 best-selling author, serial entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, founder of Alpenglo.Digital